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... Way Away ...

Way Away

I think I'm breaking out
I'm gonna leave you now
There's nothing for me here, it's all the same
And even though I know
That everything might go
Go downhill from here, I'm not afraid

Way away away from here I'll be
Way away away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe (Feels to be alone and not believe)
Feels to be alone and not believe anything

You can't stop me now
You can't hold me down
You can't keep me here, I'm on my way
I've made it this far now
And I'm not burning out
No matter what you say, I'm not afraid

Way away away from here I'll be
Way away away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe (Feels to be alone and not believe)
Feels to be alone and not believe anything

Letting out the noise inside of me (Letting out the noise inside of me)
Every window pane is shattering (Every window pane is shattering)
Cutting up my words before I speak (Cutting up my words)
This is how it feels to not believe

Letting out the noise inside of me (Letting out the noise inside of me)
Every window pane is shattering (Every window pane is shattering)
Cutting up my words before I speak (Cutting up my words)
This is how it feels to not believe

Way away away from here I'll be
Way away away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe (feels to be alone and not believe)
Feels to be alone and not believe anything


Cette chanson, elle la fait toujours pleurer... Y'a aucune raison à ça, c'est pas une chanson triste, les paroles, elle les connaît pas, et elle cherche pas à les comprendre, mais alors pourquoi, pourquoi elle la rend si triste, cette musique? Ca lui rappelle quelque chose... Oui, mais quoi? Si quelqu'un le sait, qu'il lui dise alors, parce-que pleurer sans raison, elle a pas le droit, on va encore la punir sinon...
Dites lui...
Dites juste...
Sinon y vont être méchant...
Alors dites... Inventez, transformez, mentez même si vous voulez, mais dites lui pourquoi...

[Elendrëlle, alias Dark-ever]

Ecrit par Dark-ever, le Samedi 5 Mars 2005, 19:12 dans la rubrique "After Time".

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